Tuesday 1 April 2014

Lennon, Poverty and Development

The 4th meeting was recently conducted and the anticipated, sensational presenter Ms. Ann Marie was absent. She was missed but her absence gave Lennon the opportunity to engage in being a leader/facilitator :). Lennon invited and facilitated our Do's & Don'ts ideas for the Tobago group participants in Ghana. She then helped in explaining our ideas and lead us to agree on a general consensus. Thank you Lennon for reminding us about the things to pack for the programme, munches are a definite carry-on for me :).

The phenomenon of poverty, the different types of poverty and facts associated with poverty were also discussed with Sir Phillips. I learnt about absolute and relative poverty, social and occupational exclusion and the existence of 'lumpenproletariat' (the underclass). I also understood that most of us, if not all of us, do suffer from some type of poverty. I sometimes experience relative poverty coupled with social and occupational exclusion :(.

Mr. Daniel on the other hand, reminded us that poverty can be eradicated via development. He discussed with us the Design Thinking Approach;

  • What is?
  • What if?
  • What wow's?
  • What works?
He totally revamped my knowledge about starting and owning a business. He also mentioned a saying which stood out to me. It was, " the old way cannot be the best way." Serious food for thought :).